How Technology Will Affect the Future of Accounting

In today’s ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements, every industry is undergoing a significant transformation, and accounting is no exception. The role of technology in accounting has shifted from mere automation to becoming a catalyst for...

Preparing for an Audit

In the business world, few words can strike fear into the hearts of professionals quite like “audit.” No matter who is conducting the audit, the process can be daunting. However, with proper preparation and a strategic approach, you can weather the storm...

Accounts Payable vs. Accounts Receivable

Many small business owners don’t understand basic accounting terms and principles that are vital to running a healthy business. It’s easy to overlook these basics when you’re so busy focusing on your clients, the services you offer, and the many demands of owning and...

One-stop-shop Accounting Service for your business!

A one-stop-shop Accounting Service refers to a comprehensive accounting solution that covers all aspects of financial management for a business. It aims to provide convenience and efficiency by consolidating various accounting functions into a single service provider....

The Summer Heat Can Have Various Effects on Business Profits!

Are your summer profits melting away? Is the summer heat killing your budget? The summer heat can affect business profits in several ways! Monthly reports and proper bookkeeping gives you insights into your changing business. The summer heat can have various effects...

Is Your Current Avoidance of Dealing With Your Financials…

Is your current avoidance of dealing with your financials going to bite you in the butt in a few months? Let me help! As a professional bookkeeper, I can take the stress off your hands and manage your finances with ease.  It’s important to note that neglecting...